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Convincing Derrick Page 6

  “Well … I … I don’t know.” Sam waffled, and Kiki’s countenance fell.

  “I’ll go with you.” Derrick tapped Kiki’s foot.

  Her closed-mouth smile held no true happiness to it. “Sam, Derrick says he’ll come with us.”

  Kiki picked at her leggings as she waited for Sam to answer. Her earlier confident posture vanished completely.

  “That will work perfect. Tell Derrick thanks, and thank you for keeping her at such short notice,” Sam gushed through the phone.

  “I don’t mind helping at all.” Kiki shifted the phone to her other ear. “You and Eva are everything to me.”

  Sam said something else that Derrick couldn’t hear, and Kiki ended the call. She turned the phone in her hand before placing it on her desk. Her fingers trembled as she pulled her hand away, and Derrick wanted to lace his fingers with hers.

  “Do you think they’ll ever trust me enough to have Eva without a babysitter?” Kiki’s forlorn tone broke his heart.

  “It’s not you, Kiki.”

  She snorted.

  “Really. Even Sam doesn’t take Eva away from the ranch without Zeke.” Derrick wanted her to see the truth. “They’re still worried your parents will try something else.”

  “Not with the media hounding them, they won’t.”

  Derrick couldn’t not comfort her anymore. He placed his hand on her shoulder and slid it across her back. He wanted her to see the truth, that their caution had nothing to do with her.

  “Trust me.” He held her stare, praying the doubt shining there would erase with his words. “No one leaves the ranch with Eva alone. We’re all paranoid, but it’s not a distrust in you. You’re family now, one of us.”

  Tears filled her eyes before she blinked them away. “Thanks, Derrick.” She stood and set her mug on the desk. “I need to get changed if Eva’s coming over soon.”

  She offered him a weak smile and left the room. The soft click of her bedroom door closing knocked against his chest and stuttered his breath. Somehow he’d prove to her she mattered to them, that she belonged on the ranch and nothing could change that.


  Kiki, Derrick, and Eva sat on a blanket in the park. Kiki had been surprised that the place was deserted except for a couple of guys that showed up after they did and were hanging out at one of the picnic tables. Maybe it was still too early for families to be out.

  They’d just finished packing up the mess from an impromptu picnic breakfast, and Eva bounced on her knees like they had wound her up and she was ready to go. Kiki never knew she could love someone as much as she loved her niece. Her gaze darted to Derrick’s face, then back to Eva. She’d learned a lot about love since she’d moved to Colorado.

  “Come on, Aunt Kiki,” Eva whispered in Kiki’s ear loudly. “Let’s get Uncle D.”

  Derrick reclined back on his elbows with his legs stretched out in front of him, surveying the area. He turned his head so he couldn’t see Eva, a small smirk on his lips. The surprise attack foiled by a little girl whose excitement raised her voice too loud.

  Eva’s pleading smile stretched across her dark face, and her blue eyes that matched Kiki’s begged in a way no person with a heart could resist. Kiki lifted her finger to her lips, motioning Eva to be quiet. Eva pressed her fingers to her mouth like she needed to hold the excitement in. Her black curls bounced around her shoulders.

  Kiki pulled Eva close. The smell of sunshine and donuts lingering in Eva’s hair warmed Kiki to the core. If she could bottle that happy scent, she’d make a fortune.

  Kiki whispered quietly in Eva’s ear. “I’ll take his legs. You get the rest of him.”

  Eva’s expression turned serious as she nodded and rubbed her hands together. Kiki almost lost it, but held the laughter in. She put up her fingers and mouthed, “Three, two, one.”

  Eva burst from her spot on the blanket with an impressive sound of attack and landed with a thud on Derrick’s chest. His groan and stifled chuckle sounded real. Had the five-year-old bested the big, powerful warrior?

  Kiki scrambled across the blanket, not wanting to let Eva down. She sat on Derrick’s legs, pinning them to the blanket. She had no illusion that Derrick couldn’t easily escape. She’d seen him bench press three times what she and Eva weighed combined. Yet, he pretended to struggle for a few seconds before relaxing with an exaggerated sigh.

  “You got me.” Derrick sounded dejected. “When did you become such a master attacker, Eva-mine?”

  “Mommy’s been teaching me.” Eva bounced on Derrick’s stomach in excitement. “We attack Daddy all the time.”

  “Well, your mom has a lot she can teach you.” Derrick chuckled. “Your dad doesn’t stand a chance.”

  Eva beamed and leaned her elbows on Derrick’s chest. Though her skin wasn’t as dark as Derrick’s, the two looked so much alike they really could be family. Unlike Kiki, Eva’s real aunt, who appeared nothing like her niece. The only characteristic they shared were their blue eyes. Lots of people had blue eyes.

  Kiki shouldn’t be jealous of something that couldn’t be helped, but shamefully, she was. It would probably be better for Eva if Kiki left. The little girl had family falling from the rafters with all the “uncles” living at the ranch. Kiki’s family had caused so much trouble for Sam and Eva already. Maybe if Kiki left, Sam would finally relax her guard a little and not feel like Eva needed security 24/7.

  Kiki’s late breakfast settled like a ton of bricks in her stomach. Why hadn’t she thought that possibility through before? Was she really so selfish that she’d hold on to the happiness she’d found at the ranch, though it might cause Sam and Eva undue stress? With Sam pregnant, she didn’t need any added worries. Kiki had some serious praying and analyzing to do when they got home.

  “You’re pinned, buster.” Eva propped her chin on her little fists.

  “That I am.” Derrick leaned his head to peek around Eva and winked at Kiki. “That was a good surprise attack, munchkin. Kneeing me in a full gut was an especially effective maneuver.”

  Kiki shook her head. So that had caused the grunt.

  “Now that you got me, what are you going to do to me?” Derrick’s question had Kiki’s face flaming red hot.

  She could think of several things she’d like to do to him. None of them were bound to happen anytime soon, so she’d better get her head out of the gutter and focus on whatever diabolical plan her niece cooked up. She couldn’t afford for her expression to give her away, especially now that she was contemplating leaving. The thought made her chest ache. Would she be able to pull herself away?

  “We’ll let you go if you take us to get ice cream.” Eva shifted so her hands were on his shoulders, pinning Derrick to the ground.

  “Extortion!” His shocked tone was so fake Kiki had to cover her mouth to keep her giggle in.

  “No, Uncle D. We won fair and square, now you have to pay up.” Eva sat up and placed her hands on her hips.

  Derrick lifted his legs straight up, throwing both Eva and Kiki into his chest. Kiki stopped herself from crushing her niece by bracing her hands on either side of Derrick’s body. His arms locked around Kiki’s back, trapping both her and Eva in his embrace. Man, Kiki wanted this, wanted to be held and loved. Not that Derrick loved her. Eva’s gleeful laughter bounced against Kiki’s chest, making her giggle as well. The sense of family surrounded her, filling her to the brim with connection.

  “Ha, now what are you going to do?” Derrick rocked his arms back and forth, shaking them and making them laugh even louder.

  “Wait, stop. I’ve got to tell you something.” Eva shrieked between words she could hardly let out past her merriment.

  Derrick stopped, and Eva wiggled like she wanted to climb out of the trap. Derrick loosened his arms. How pathetic that Kiki relished he didn’t let go completely. Eva crawled up and pushed Derrick’s head to the side so she could whisper in his ear. His eyes twinkled as he looked up at Kiki.

  Kiki loved the teasing way
all the men of Stryker Security played with Eva. Kiki hadn’t had many chances to just be silly growing up with all the expectations her parents had put on her. They’d wanted her brother and her to act like grownups for as long as she could remember. She’d missed out and had determined if she ever had kids, she’d run and be wild with them as long as they’d let her.

  Derrick let go of Kiki’s waist with one hand and pushed Eva’s curls out of his face. Kiki missed his touch. Yet the way he gently placed his hand on Eva’s shoulder made Kiki all gooey inside, like a cookie fresh from the oven. Shoot, Lena was right. Kiki was soft as a pastry.

  “Uncle D,” Eva whispered in a voice that wasn’t quiet at all. “Aunt Kiki will buy us ice cream, ’specially if we tickle her. She’ll do anything not to be tickled.”

  Kiki gasped. The little turncoat. She scrambled out of Derrick’s grasp, now glad both arms weren’t pinning her down.

  “First you have to catch me, you little traitor.” Kiki took off across the park.

  “Get her!” Eva hollered behind Kiki.

  She peeked over her shoulder and almost stumbled at Derrick’s beaming expression. He scooped Eva up and carried her, chasing after Kiki. Her legs felt light as she swerved in a new direction, her happiness leaving her breathless. Derrick’s loud laugh tumbled down inside her and settled in her stomach.

  She couldn’t leave all this behind, could she? She slowed her pace as she let the two people who meant the world to her close the gap. She wanted them to catch her, to hold her close. She’d give everything she had to keep this joy she’d found in the Colorado mountains, even if that made her the most selfish person alive.


  Eva swung between Derrick and Kiki, her feet kicking high in front of her as they walked back to his vehicle. Her laughter filled him with a joy he hadn’t felt since middle school. Kiki giggled, drawing his gaze to her. His chest warmed for an entirely different reason. She smiled up at him, and something shifted in him. Her expression wasn’t the hesitant, cautious one she often wore. It shone bright and hopeful.

  He wanted to keep the look on her face for the rest of her life.

  Eva put her feet on the ground and pulled Derrick and Kiki close, wrapping her little arms around them both in an Eva sandwich. “I love you guys so much.”

  “Come here, Eva-mine.” He scooped her up and set her on his hip. “If we’re going to have a group hug, we need to do it properly.”

  He slid his hand along Kiki’s lower back and pulled her close. What was he thinking? She stiffened, then with a sigh, slid one arm around his back and the other around Eva. She laid her head on his chest with another exhale. He didn’t know what he was thinking, but he was sure feeling all kinds of warm tingles he’d never felt before.

  “I love you too, Eva.” Kiki’s whispered words caught as her arm squeezed Derrick. “Love being here with you two.”

  She tipped her head up, peering at him through long lashes, and Derrick’s world stopped right there on the city sidewalk. He tightened his arms and wanted to keep her there with him for the rest of time.

  Whoa! Hold your horses, man.

  His heart beat in his throat, warning him he hadn’t thought this through completely yet. Hadn’t planned and prepared and studied all possible angles. There was no exit plan that wouldn’t leave people hurt in this scenario.

  “Is it time for ice cream now?” Eva patted her hand on Derrick’s cheek, pulling him off the path he still wasn’t sure he should take.

  He turned his face to smile at Eva. “Yep. Let’s go fill you up with more sugar.”

  “Yippee!” Eva squeezed them both before squirming to get down.

  He set her on the sidewalk, and she skipped in front of them. The back of his hand brushed Kiki’s as they followed Eva. What would Kiki do if he captured her hand in his? The desire to do so, to feel her warm skin against his, pushed all other thought aside.

  Pain spiked through his head as something hit him from behind. Derrick pushed Kiki toward Eva and turned to confront the attacker. A fist connected with his nose, exploding stars before his eyes. Where had this guy come from? Eva’s scream almost covered the skidding of tires on gravel and dropped ice in his gut. He had to neutralize this attacker and get Kiki and Eva safe. He’d been an idiot to let a pretty face distract him.

  He used all the power he had to swing his fist into the face of the man he now recognized as one of two that had been hanging out at the picnic table. The dude’s head snapped back, and he dropped to the ground. Derrick didn’t wait to see if the guy was out but turned to help Kiki.

  “No!” Kiki yelled as she turned from her attacker and reached for Eva.

  A man jumped from the side door of a van and grabbed Eva around the waist. Derrick’s legs threatened to buckle beneath him as Kiki’s attacker grabbed her from behind.

  “Stop screwing around and get the woman in the van.” The man holding Eva barked in Spanish at the other.

  “We need them all,” the other guy grunted back, wrapping his arm around Kiki’s waist.

  She exploded, arms and legs connecting with the man that held her. Derrick closed the distance, punching the man in the face and tossing him from Kiki. The cocking of a gun spun him around and stopped his heart.

  Eva’s big blue eyes were bright with tears. A gun pressed hard against her temple. Derrick would kill the man and everyone else threatening his family.

  “Get in the van or I shoot her brains out right here on the sidewalk.” Evil shone from the man’s dark eyes. He would do it, probably relish the act.

  “No, please, I’m coming. Just … just, let them go.” Kiki held her hands up in front of her and stepped up to the van.

  Her words slammed into Derrick’s gut. He wasn’t about to let her get in that van. He’d never see her again. That thought pushed bile up his throat. He should’ve been on guard. Shouldn’t have let her distract him.

  “No, you all come.” The finality of the man’s words eased Derrick’s dread.

  If they were together, he could keep them safe. Get them out of whatever crazy mess this was. Apart, they were doomed.

  “Okay, man. We’re coming.” Derrick stepped up behind Kiki and placed a hand on her back.

  Kiki reached out shaking hands for Eva. The man thrust the child into Kiki’s arms, and Eva’s shoes fell off her feet in the exchange. Kiki’s shoulders shook in a stifled sob as she stepped forward and climbed into the van. Derrick bent down to pick up the only hope of getting help, knowing Zeke had hidden tracking devices in all of Eva’s shoes.

  “Leave them.” The man kicked the shoes into the gutter, the sparkly pink landing in oily mud.

  Derrick ducked his head and climbed into the van as his neck muscles tightened with annoyance. Didn’t matter. There were other ways of getting free.

  They had stripped the inside of the van of all the seats. Kiki cowered in the very back of the space. Good, maybe he could get them out the back doors. He climbed in, positioning himself in front of Kiki where she clung tight to Eva.

  “It’ll be okay,” he whispered as the man who’d attacked Kiki helped his friend from the picnic table into the van.

  Her breath shuddered behind him, and Eva’s sobbing filled his ears. Did Kiki believe him? He didn’t quite believe himself either.

  The door slammed closed, and the van sped off with a squeal. Could he take the men out and escape now? There were only four of them, including the driver, and the guy who jumped him wouldn’t put up much of a fight. As if sensing his thoughts, the devil who’d held Eva pointed the gun at Derrick’s chest and cocked it.

  “Why are we messing with this trouble, Edgar?” Devil man spoke in Spanish to his friend but didn’t take his eyes off Derrick.

  “They’re her family.” Edgar wiped the blood from his mouth with a grimace. “It’s probably why she’s been hiding out at that ranch.”

  “We don’t have any intel confirming that.” The leader glared at Edgar.

  “Matias, I prom
ise. They are. The girl has her blue eyes. We have more leverage with all of them.” Edgar smiled at Matias, his teeth covered in blood.

  “No … no.” Kiki tried to push past Derrick, surprising them all that she understood the men’s Spanish, but he wrapped his arm around her to anchor her behind him. “You’re wrong. They aren’t my family. We’re just friends. They won’t give you anything but a headache.”

  “D—D—” Eva stuttered as she grabbed Derrick’s arms.

  Derrick’s stomach fell at the way Eva sounded like she tried calling him Daddy. Matias’s eyes slitted, bouncing from Kiki to Eva to Derrick and back again.

  “You will learn not to lie to me.” The tightness in Matias’s accented English and the set of his jaw had Derrick clenching his fists in response.

  “But, I’m not—”

  “Shh, honey, it’s all right.” Derrick cut Kiki off when she sobbed out a protest.

  “As for you.” Matias leaned toward Derrick. “Hurt my men again, and I will kill you.”

  Derrick stifled a smirk and slumped his shoulders, holding up his hand in surrender. “S … sorry, man. Just kind of reacted.”

  If he could get them to believe that he wasn’t a threat, maybe they’d let down their guard. Derrick pretended to tremble. Matias’s lip curled in disgust. Derrick would do whatever he had to, even look like a weak fool, if it meant getting Kiki and Eva out of here. Matias’s arm swung toward Derrick a second before the gun slammed into his head, and he fell into darkness.


  Eva shrieked as Derrick crashed to the floor, and Kiki swallowed her breakfast that threatened to spew. She should’ve left long ago. Heck, she should’ve never stayed in the first place. She’d learned just how evil her family was. She shouldn’t have kept her friends in danger. Eva sobbed in Kiki’s arms, frantically pushing on Derrick.

  “Shh, honey. He’s okay.” Kiki tried to calm Eva though she herself spun, grasping tight to the threads of her emotions as they threatened to rip her already stretched seams apart.